Trongsa Dzong - Discovering Bhutan

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Travelling to Trongsa Dzong

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Trongsa Dzong, a pretty good destination in Bhutan (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Trongsa Dzong and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Trongsa Dzong, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Bhutan, here's everything to know about Trongsa Dzong for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Trongsa Dzong

Trongsa Dzong is a fortress and Buddhist monastery located in the town of Trongsa in central Bhutan. It was built in the 17th century and is considered one of the most impressive dzongs in Bhutan. It served as the seat of power for the Choetse Penlop (Governor) of Trongsa District and played a significant role in the country's history as the birthplace of the first King of Bhutan. Trongsa Dzong features traditional Bhutanese architecture and is famous for its intricate woodwork and beautiful paintings. It is now open to visitors and is a popular tourist attraction in Bhutan.

Travelling to Trongsa Dzong and around: discovering Bhutan

What to visit in Trongsa Dzong

Trongsa Dzong is one of the largest and most impressive dzongs (fortresses) in Bhutan. Here are some of the must-see tourist attractions of Trongsa Dzong: 1. Thongdrol: This is a large Thangka (religious scroll painting) that is unfurled once a year during the annual Thongdrol festival. The Thongdrol depicts Guru Rinpoche and is said to cleanse the sins of all those who see it.
2. Tower of Trongsa Museum: This seven-storey tower was once the watchtower of Trongsa Dzong and has now been converted into a museum. It showcases the history of the dzong, as well as Bhutan's royal family and the country's culture and traditions.
3. Courtyards: The dzong is built on multiple levels with several courtyards scattered throughout. Each courtyard has its own unique charm and beauty, with temples, prayer wheels, and intricate wood carvings adorning the walls.
4. Temple of the White Dove: This temple is dedicated to the protecting deity of Trongsa Dzong and is believed to date back more than 300 years. It contains several sacred relics, including a statue of Guru Rinpoche.
5. Lhakhang Sarpang: This temple is located on the lower level of the dzong and is dedicated to Guru Rinpoche. It is said to be one of the oldest temples in Trongsa Dzong, with some parts dating back to the 15th century.
Visitors to Trongsa Dzong can also enjoy stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, as well as take part in traditional Bhutanese ceremonies and festivals held throughout the year.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Bhutan, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Trongsa Dzong

The best time to visit Trongsa Dzong (Bhutan) is during the months of March to May and September to November. During these times the weather is generally clear and dry, making it easier to explore the area without any disruptions from natural elements. However, do note that Bhutanese festivals are also very popular in Trongsa Dzong, so you may want to plan your visit around these events.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Trongsa Dzong

To get to Trongsa Dzong in Bhutan, you can take a flight to the nearest airport at Paro International Airport. From there, you can take a coach or hire a car to travel the approximately 200 km distance to Trongsa. The journey will take around 7-8 hours since the roads are winding and take you through the mountains. Alternatively, you can also take a domestic flight to Bumthang airport, which is just a 2-hour drive away from Trongsa. You'll get to enjoy the scenic beauty of Bhutan en route to Trongsa, which will be worth it.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Trongsa Dzong, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Trongsa Dzong

Trongsa Dzong is a beautiful district located in Bhutan that offers a variety of delicious traditional dishes. Here are some typical foods of Trongsa Dzong with a short description for each of them: 1. Ema Datshi: Ema Datshi is the national dish of Bhutan and is widely popular across the country. It is a spicy preparation made using chilies and cheese. This dish is usually served with rice or bread.
2. Jasha Maroo: Jasha Maroo is a famous Bhutanese chicken dish that is flavored with garlic, ginger, and onions. It has a spicy and tangy taste and is often served with rice.
3. Phaksha Paa: Phaksha Paa is a delicious pork dish that is cooked with red chili and radish. The dish is usually served with rice and is a favorite of many people in Trongsa Dzong.
4. Kewa Datshi: Kewa Datshi is a simple yet flavorful dish made using potatoes and cheese. The dish is popular in Trongsa Dzong and is often served as a side dish with other main courses.
5. Shakam Paa: Shakam Paa is a popular Bhutanese dish that is made using dried beef or pork. The meat is usually cooked with chili and other spices to give it an intense flavor. This dish is often enjoyed with rice.
6. Jaju Soup: Jaju soup is a hearty soup that is made using chicken, vegetables, and noodles. It is a perfect dish for a cold winter day and is often served as a starter or light meal.
These are just a few of the many delicious dishes that Trongsa Dzong has to offer. These dishes are a must-try for anyone visiting this beautiful district of Bhutan.
You can find general info about typical foods in Bhutan here.

Is Trongsa Dzong an expensive destination for tourists?

Trongsa Dzong is located in Bhutan, which is known to be a more expensive destination for tourists compared to other countries in the region. Bhutan has a unique approach to tourism that aims to preserve its natural and cultural heritage, which is reflected in its policy of high tourist tariffs. However, the experience of visiting Trongsa Dzong and other areas of Bhutan is said to be well worth the cost, as the country's stunning scenery and rich cultural heritage offer a one-of-a-kind travel experience.

Where to find accomodation in Trongsa Dzong

Trongsa Dzong is located in Trongsa, which is a district located in central Bhutan. Therefore, it is best to find accommodation in Trongsa town, which is close to the dzong. There are a few guesthouses and hotels located in Trongsa town that cater to tourists. Additionally, if you don't mind staying a bit further away, there are also some resorts located in the surrounding countryside that offer stunning views of the dzong and the surrounding landscape.
You can check hotel prices at Trongsa Dzong here:

Is Trongsa Dzong a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Trongsa Dzong in Bhutan is generally a safe place for tourists to visit. Bhutan is known for its peaceful and low-crime society, where crime against tourists is rare. However, it's always recommended to take general safety precautions while traveling, such as avoiding isolated areas at night and being aware of your surroundings. It's also advisable to follow the local customs and respect the cultural norms in order to have an enjoyable and safe trip.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Bhutan here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Trongsa Dzong.

What type of travelers will enjoy Trongsa Dzong the most?

Trongsa Dzong in Bhutan is a historic fortress and architectural masterpiece that is rich in history and culture. It is a place that is sought after by history buffs, architecture enthusiasts, and photographers.
While Trongsa Dzong may not be the most exciting place for young people looking for fun, it is an ideal destination for couples and families interested in learning more about the history and culture of Bhutan. The scenic location and the spiritual ambiance of Trongsa Dzong make it an excellent place for those seeking peace and tranquility.
The Dzong serves as a representation of Bhutanese culture and tradition, and visitors can learn about Bhutanese architecture, art, and mythology. Families with children can enjoy the picturesque views, experience the Festivals of Bhutan, and learn more about the country's cultural heritage.
In conclusion, Trongsa Dzong is a destination that is best suited for couples and families interested in history, culture, and art.

How to get around Trongsa Dzong

Trongsa Dzong is a small town in Bhutan and the best way to move around is by walking. You can easily explore the town on foot and visit places like the Trongsa Dzong, Kuenga Rabten Palace, and the Ta Dzong museum. However, if you want to explore the outskirts of the town, you can rent a taxi or a private car. Keep in mind that the roads can be hilly and narrow, so it's best to hire a local driver who is familiar with the area.

What to see around Trongsa Dzong

Here are some nice places you can visit in a day trip from Trongsa Dzong, Bhutan: 1. Kuenga Rabten Palace: This former palace of Bhutan's second king has a beautiful garden and offers stunning views of Trongsa Dzong.
2. Chendebji Chorten: A large and impressive stupa built in the 18th century. It is believed that the stupa was built to subdue an evil spirit that was causing illness and misfortune in the area.
3. Trongsa Ta Dzong: Located just above Trongsa Dzong, this museum showcases the history and culture of Bhutan, particularly the Wangchuck dynasty.
4. Phobjikha Valley: This valley is known for its scenic beauty and is home to the endangered black-necked cranes in the winter months.
5. Yatha Weaving Center: This center teaches the traditional art of weaving cloth using a backstrap loom. You can watch the weavers at work and purchase their handmade products.
6. Black Mountain National Park: Located just west of Trongsa Dzong, this park is an excellent place to go for a hike and enjoy the natural beauty of Bhutan.
For every travel information about Bhutan you can click here.

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