Trogir - Discovering Croatia

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Travelling to Trogir

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Trogir, a pretty good destination in Croatia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Trogir and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Trogir, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Croatia, here's everything to know about Trogir for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Trogir

Trogir is a small but charming UNESCO World Heritage town located in Croatia. It is situated on a small island between the mainland and the island of Ciovo, connected by bridges. The town is known for its beautifully preserved medieval architecture, including the 13th-century cathedral and the Kamerlengo fortress. The old town is a maze of narrow streets, charming squares, and ancient buildings, making it a popular destination for history and culture enthusiasts. Trogir is also surrounded by stunning beaches and clear blue waters, making it a great spot for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports.

Travelling to Trogir and around: discovering Croatia

What to visit in Trogir

Trogir is a beautiful Croatian city located on the Adriatic coast between Split and Šibenik. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and there are many tourist attractions that you should visit during your trip.
1. Trogir Old Town: The old town of Trogir is a well-preserved Romanesque-Gothic town that has been called the "city museum". The old town is complete with narrow streets, small churches, and an incredible collection of preserved architecture. Visitors can tour the St. Lawrence Cathedral and the impressive Kamerlengo Castle.
2. St. Lawrence Cathedral: This 13th-century cathedral is a masterpiece of medieval architecture. Inside, you can see the spectacular altar and ceiling frescoes depicting the life of Christ.
3. Kamerlengo Castle: This castle was built in the 15th century and served as a defense for the city. Visitors can climb the stairs to the top of the castle for breathtaking views of the city.
4. Cipiko Palace: This Gothic-Renaissance Palace was built in the 15th century and houses the City Museum. Visitors can admire the crystal chandeliers, intricate stonework, and antique furniture.
5. Medena Beach: This beautiful beach is located just outside of Trogir and is perfect for swimming and sunbathing. There are plenty of restaurants and bars nearby where you can relax and enjoy the view.
6. Radovan's Portal: Located in the St. Lawrence Cathedral, Radovan's Portal is one of the finest examples of Romanesque sculpture in Europe. The intricate carving depicts scenes from the Bible and is an excellent example of medieval art.
7. The fortresses of Trogir: Trogir has four fortresses - Kamerlengo, St. Mark, St. John and St. Michael. They were built between the 14th and 15th centuries to defend the city against enemy attacks.
Overall, Trogir is a fascinating city full of history, art, and natural beauty. It's a must-see for anyone visiting the region!
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Croatia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Trogir.

When to go on holiday to Trogir

The best time to visit Trogir is during the months of May, June, September and October when the weather is warm and pleasant and the crowds are smaller. The busiest and hottest months are July and August, so if you don't like crowds, then it's best to avoid these months. However, keep in mind that some of the attractions and accommodations may be closed during the off-season, so plan accordingly.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Trogir

There are several ways to get to Trogir, Croatia: 1. By plane: The closest airport to Trogir is Split Airport, which is around 6 km away. From the airport, you can take a taxi or a bus to Trogir.
2. By car: Trogir is located around 27 km west of Split. If you are coming from the north or east, you can take the A1 highway and connect to the D8 coastal road. If you are coming from the south, you can take the Adriatic Highway (D8) directly to Trogir.
3. By bus: Trogir has good connections with other major cities in Croatia. You can take a bus from Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Split, Zadar, or other cities. The bus station is located in the city center, close to the old town.
4. By boat: There are several ferry services that connect Trogir with nearby islands and towns along the coast. You can take a ferry from Split, Hvar, Brac, or other places.
I hope this information helps you plan your trip to Trogir!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Trogir, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Trogir

Sure, here are some typical foods of Trogir (Croatia) with a short description for each of them: 1. Peka - A traditional Croatian meat and vegetable dish slow-cooked under a bell-shaped lid, it is typically made with lamb or veal, potatoes, and onions.
2. Brodet - A fish stew made with a variety of seafood such as mussels, squid, and shrimp along with vegetables like onions, garlic, and carrots, all cooked in a tomato-based sauce.
3. Black Risotto - A popular seafood-based dish that features cuttlefish, squids or octopus often mixed with some other seafood, cooked with squid ink, and served with parmesan cheese.
4. Fritule - These deep-fried dough balls are a popular dessert in Dalmatia, Croatia. Sometimes filled with raisins, fritule are commonly sprinkled with powdered sugar and served hot.
5. Pašticada - A slow-cooked beef stew that is marinated in a red wine vinegar sauce then served with gnocchi for a hearty Croatian meal.
6. Sarma - A dish consisting of stuffed cabbage rolls filled with a mixture of ground beef, rice, and vegetables. It's usually seasoned to perfection and served piping hot.
7. Octopus Salad - Lightly boiled and seasoned octopus combined with potatoes, onions, and olives to create a refreshing and flavorful salad that is perfect for a hot summer day.
I hope this helps!
You can find general info about typical foods in Croatia here.

Is Trogir an expensive destination for tourists?

Trogir, Croatia can be considered a mid-range priced destination, although it may depend on the specific preferences and budget of the traveler. The cost of accommodation, food, and activities in Trogir is generally lower than in the more popular tourist destinations, such as Dubrovnik or Split. However, prices can still vary depending on the season, type of accommodation, and location. Overall, Trogir is a beautiful and popular area, but it is not considered an expensive destination compared to some other popular European travel destinations.

Where to find accomodation in Trogir

Trogir is a relatively small town located on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, so finding a place to stay near the center shouldn't be too difficult. The most popular areas to find accommodations in Trogir are within the old town itself or near the seafront promenade. The old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers a more traditional experience with narrow streets and historic buildings. The seafront promenade, on the other hand, features a mix of modern hotels, apartments, and restaurants with stunning views of the sea. Other popular areas to find accommodations in Trogir include the quieter residential areas in the outskirts of town and the nearby island of Čiovo, which is just a short boat ride away.
You can check hotel prices at Trogir here:

Is Trogir a safe destination for tourists?

Generally, Trogir is considered a safe place for tourists. The crime rate in Trogir is relatively low, and most visitors to the area experience no problems. However, as with any travel destination, it's always wise for visitors to use common sense and take appropriate precautions, such as avoiding isolated areas at night and keeping valuable items secure. Additionally, visitors should follow local customs and laws, such as respecting religious sites and not consuming alcohol in public areas.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Croatia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Trogir.

What type of travelers will enjoy Trogir the most?

Trogir, Croatia, is a charming ancient town near the Adriatic coast with plenty of fun activities and attractions to explore. Because of its diverse offerings, it caters to different types of travelers.
Couples will enjoy the town's romantic atmosphere and scenic views. Walking along the narrow streets and vibrant promenades, admiring the historical landmarks, visiting art galleries, and tasting local wines and delicacies will make for a perfect romantic getaway.
Young people will love the vibrant nightlife, beaches, water sports, and nearby islands where they can explore, party and try new things.
Families can also have a great time with their kids in Trogir. The town offers different attractions for families, including museums, beaches, and outdoor activities, like kayaking or cycling. Additionally, there are plenty of child-friendly restaurants and hotels.
Overall, Trogir is an excellent destination for everybody, as it offers something for every type of traveler, from history and culture to beaches, nightlife, and adventure.

How to get around Trogir

There are several options to move around Trogir: 1. Walking: Trogir is a small and compact city and most of its attractions are within a short walking distance.
2. Bicycles: You can also rent bicycles to explore Trogir and its surroundings.
3. Taxis: There are plenty of taxis available in Trogir, but they can be expensive.
4. Public Transport: Trogir has a good public transport system. You can take a bus or boat to explore the surrounding areas.
5. Car rental: You can also rent a car to travel around Trogir and its surroundings. However, parking can be a challenge in the city center.

What to see around Trogir

Here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Trogir: 1. Split: A city with cultural and historical heritage located just 30 minutes away from Trogir. The most iconic destinations to visit are Diocletian's Palace and Marjan Hill.
2. Krka National Park: Located 1 hour away from Trogir, this national park is known for its cascading waterfalls, scenic pools, and lush greenery. It's a perfect destination for nature lovers.
3. Sibenik: A coastal city located around 1 hour away from Trogir known for its impressive St James Cathedral and medieval architecture.
4. Zadar: A historical city in northern Dalmatia with fascinating Roman ruins and Venetian architecture. You can catch the sunset at the Sea Organ and Greeting to the Sun located on the shoreline.
5. Blue Lagoon: A breathtakingly beautiful location, located just 20-minutes by boat from Trogir. It's a perfect spot for snorkeling and swimming in crystal clear water.
For every travel information about Croatia you can click here.

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