Zadar - Discovering Croatia

What to see, events, costs and every info for the perfect holiday
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Travelling to Zadar

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Zadar, a pretty good destination in Croatia (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Zadar and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Zadar, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Croatia, here's everything to know about Zadar for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Zadar

Zadar is a coastal city in Croatia located in the northern part of Dalmatia. It's situated on the Adriatic Sea and is known for its fascinating ancient history, stunning architecture, and natural beauty. The city has impressive Roman ruins, medieval churches, and beautiful beaches that attract visitors throughout the year. Some of the top landmarks in Zadar include the Roman Forum, St. Donatus Church, the Sea Organ, and the Sun Salutation. Additionally, the city offers opportunities for water sports, seaside dining, and hiking on the nearby Velebit Mountain.

Travelling to Zadar and around: discovering Croatia

What to visit in Zadar

Certainly! Here are some popular tourist attractions in Zadar, Croatia, along with some information about each: 1. The Sea Organ - This is a unique attraction that uses the sea's energy to make musical sounds. The waves push air through pipes that are located under large marble steps, creating a series of musical notes. This is an enchanting experience that draws crowds from all around the world.
2. The Greeting to the Sun - This is a stunning art installation on the same promenade as the Sea Organ. The installation is made of hundreds of glass plates powered by solar energy. The installation glows different colors at night and creates a breathtaking ambiance.
3. The Forum - Zadar's main square has a long and rich history that goes back to the Roman period. You will find here historical buildings such as the Romanesque St. Mary's Church, the Renaissance Palace, and the Archaeological Museum.
4. The St. Donatus Church - One of the most recognizable symbols of Zadar is the St. Donatus Church. Built in the 9th century, this awe-inspiring church is a masterpiece of Croatian pre-Romanesque architecture. It is also one of the most popular venues for classical music concerts.
5. The Museum of Ancient Glass - This fascinating museum is dedicated to glass objects that date from Roman times to the 19th century. You can see here hand-blown glass objects, as well as glassware used in the home, art, medicine, and pharmacy.
6. The National Park Kornati - Located just off the coast of Zadar, the Kornati Islands constitute one of the densest archipelagos in the Mediterranean. It is truly a paradise for diving enthusiasts and nature lovers, with 89 islands, islets, and reefs full of biologically diverse marine life.
7. Paklenica National Park - This park stands out with its stunning natural beauty and offers excellent opportunities for hiking, rock climbing, and camping. Paklenica is home to a variety of wildlife and plants, as well as the deep canyons of the Velika and Mala Paklenica rivers.
Zadar is a gem in Croatia, offering visitors a wealth of cultural and natural beauty to explore.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Croatia, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Zadar.

When to go on holiday to Zadar

The best time to go on holiday to Zadar depends on your preferences and what you want to do while you are there. If you want to enjoy the warm weather and spend time at the beach, then the summer months from June to August would be the best time to visit. However, keep in mind that these months can be quite crowded.
If you prefer more temperate weather and want to avoid the crowds, then the best times to visit Zadar are during the shoulder seasons of May and September. During these months, the weather is still mild, and there are fewer tourists, making it easier to enjoy the city's attractions.
If you're interested in attending cultural events or festivals, then you should plan your visit to coincide with some of the city's major events. For example, the Zadar Summer Theater Festival takes place in July, and the Zadar Film Festival takes place in August, both of which can be great experiences.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Zadar

There are several ways to get to Zadar, Croatia: 1. By flight: Zadar has an international airport (Zadar Airport) with direct flights from a number of European cities. From the airport, you can take a bus or taxi to the city center.
2. By bus: Zadar is well-connected to several Croatian and European cities by bus. There are daily bus services from Zagreb, Split, and other cities.
3. By train: Zadar has a train station, but the train service in Croatia is limited. If you are coming from Zagreb, you can take the train to Knin and then take a bus to Zadar.
4. By car: Zadar is located on the Adriatic coast and is well-connected to other cities in Croatia and Europe by road. You can rent a car or take a taxi to reach Zadar.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Zadar, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Zadar

1. Maraschino - a liqueur made with Marasca cherries and distilled in Zadar since the 16th century.
2. Brodet - a seafood stew made with a variety of fish, vegetables, and spices.
3. Pašticada - a slow-cooked beef dish marinated in red wine and vinegar, often served with homemade gnocchi.
4. Pršut - a dry-cured ham made from Dalmatian pork, often served with local cheese, olives, and bread.
5. Skradinska torta - a traditional cake made with almonds, orange peel, and rose water, often served with a glass of Prošek (a sweet dessert wine).
6. Arancini - candied orange peels, often dipped in dark chocolate.
7. Čevapčići - grilled minced meat (often a blend of beef, lamb, and pork) served with freshly baked bread, onions, and sour cream.
8. Fritule - small sweet doughnuts sprinkled with powdered sugar, raisins, and rum. 9. Peka - a traditional dish consisting of meat, vegetables, and potatoes cooked in a covered dish with hot coals.
10. Grilled Adriatic fish - various fish including sea bass, mullet, bream, and gilthead are typically grilled with olive oil and herbs, then served with a side of Swiss chard or blitva.
You can find general info about typical foods in Croatia here.

Is Zadar an expensive destination for tourists?

Zadar can be considered an affordable travel destination compared to other popular tourist spots in Europe. However, prices can vary depending on the season and type of accommodation and activities that you plan to do. During peak tourist season (June-August), prices can be relatively high, especially for accommodations or restaurants in the city center or near the beach. That being said, if you plan your trip in the shoulder season (April-May, September-October), you can find lower prices for accommodations and activities. It's always a good idea to compare prices and do research before booking to get the best deals.

Where to find accomodation in Zadar

The best areas to find accommodation in Zadar, Croatia are the Old Town, Kalelarga (the main pedestrian street), and the Borik area (north of the Old Town) which is close to the beaches. The Old Town is the most popular area for tourists as many of the main attractions are located in this area. Kalelarga is also a convenient location as it is close to the Old Town and has many shops, restaurants, and cafes. Finally, choosing to stay in the Borik area will allow you to experience the beautiful beaches and crystal clear waters of the surrounding area.
You can check hotel prices at Zadar here:

Is Zadar a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Zadar is generally considered a safe place for tourists. The crime rate in this city is relatively low, and violent crime is rare. However, like any other tourist destination, travelers should still take basic precautions and keep an eye on their belongings. It is always advisable to be aware of your surroundings and keep your valuables in a safe place. In addition, it is recommended to avoid walking alone at night in poorly lit or isolated areas. By following these simple safety tips, you should be able to enjoy a safe and enjoyable trip to Zadar.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Croatia here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Zadar.

What type of travelers will enjoy Zadar the most?

Zadar, Croatia is a destination that can be enjoyed by all types of travelers. Couples will love the romantic atmosphere of the old town, strolling along the seafront, enjoying the beautiful sunsets and hidden gems of the city such as the Sea Organ and Greeting to the Sun.
Young people looking for fun will enjoy the vibrant nightlife scene in Zadar, with plenty of bars, clubs and live music venues to choose from.
Families will love the family-friendly beaches, like Kolovare Beach, and numerous family-friendly activities, such as biking, hiking, and boat tours to explore the beautiful National Parks in the surrounding area, including Kornati Islands, Paklenica National Park and Plitvice Lakes.
In sum, Zadar is a great destination for anyone looking for a mix of culture, history, natural beauty and fun!

How to get around Zadar

In Zadar, you can move around using buses, taxis, bicycles or by walking. Buses are the most common and affordable way to get around the city. Taxis are available, but they can be expensive. You can also rent a bicycle and explore the city on two wheels. Zadar is a very walkable city, with many attractions and restaurants situated close to each other.

What to see around Zadar

Certainly, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Zadar, Croatia: 1. Plitvice Lakes National Park - A UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most beautiful natural attractions in Croatia.
2. Paklenica National Park - A perfect spot for hiking, climbing, and enjoying the beautiful nature.
3. Krka National Park - Famous for its beautiful waterfalls and clear blue-green water, it's a popular destination for nature lovers.
4. Nin - A historic town with a charming old town, scenic beaches, and salt pans.
5. Pag Island - Known for its excellent cheese and wine, beautiful beaches, and unique rock formations.
6. Biograd na Moru - A coastal town with a beautiful harbor, historic churches, and beautiful beaches.
7. Kornati Islands National Park - A paradise for boaters and divers, these beautiful islands are home to stunning beaches, coves, and wildlife.
I hope this helps!
For every travel information about Croatia you can click here.

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