Andros - Discovering Greece

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Travelling to Andros

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Andros, a pretty good destination in Greece (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Andros and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Andros, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Greece, here's everything to know about Andros for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Andros

Andros is a Greek island located in the northernmost part of the Cyclades archipelago. It has an area of 380 km² and a population of about 10,000 people. The island is known for its beautiful beaches, picturesque villages, and rich cultural heritage. The main town and port of Andros is called Chora, and it is famous for its elegant neoclassical architecture. Andros is also home to many museums, art galleries, and exhibitions. The island is well-connected by ferry to Athens and other nearby islands, and it is a popular summer destination for both Greek and international visitors.

Travelling to Andros and around: discovering Greece

What to visit in Andros

Sure, here are some tourist attractions in Andros along with relevant information for each: 1. Chora How about taking a stroll through the picturesque alleys of the Chora and exploring its neoclassical architecture? Andros Town (Chora), the capital of Andros, is a beautiful and charming Cycladic town known for its interesting museums, art galleries, and festivals. It is characterized by its narrow streets, white-washed houses decorated with blooming bougainvillaea, and lovely squares.
2. Museum of Contemporary Art The Museum of Contemporary Art is an impressive establishment located in the Kairi Square in the heart of Chora. It houses a permanent exhibition of contemporary Greek Art as well as temporary exhibitions of work by Greek and foreign artists.
3. Archaeological Museum of Andros If you are a history buff, you'd love to visit the Archaeological Museum of Andros. This museum showcases artifacts related to the Neolithic, Geometric, Hellenistic, and Roman periods. Some of the most notable displays are pottery, sarcophagi, and ancient coins.
4. Pythara Waterfall For nature enthusiasts, a visit to Pythara Waterfall is worth it. It is located near Apoikia village and requires some hiking to reach. The cascade is tall and wide giving a unique experience of natural beauty. 5. Agios Petros Beach Andros has many beaches but one of the most popular is Agios Petros Beach near Gavrio port. It is characterized by golden sand and transparent waters. It's perfect for sunbathing, swimming or relaxing under the sun.
6. Monasteries Andros has many monasteries of historical and religious significance, and some of the most significant ones that are open to visits include the Monastery of Zoodochos Pigi located in Batsi, the Monastery of Agia Marina in Apikia village, and the Monastery of Agios Nikolaos in Korthi village.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Greece, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

You can find more information in this page dedicated to the top 10 attractions to visit in Andros.

When to go on holiday to Andros

The best time to go on holiday to Andros, Greece is during the summer months of June to August where the weather is warm and sunny, and the sea is perfect for swimming.
However, if you prefer cooler temperatures, the shoulder season months of May and September are also great options. During these months, the crowds are fewer, and prices may be cheaper. It's important to note that some businesses in Andros may be closed during the off-season, so be sure to check beforehand.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Andros

To get to Andros, Greece, you can take a ferry from Athens' main port, Piraeus. The journey takes approximately 2 hours by high-speed ferry or 3 hours by conventional ferry. There are several ferry companies that operate routes between Piraeus and Andros, including Blue Star Ferries, SeaJets, and Hellenic Seaways. You can either book your tickets online or at the port before departure. You can also take a flight to Athens International Airport and then take a bus or taxi to Piraeus port.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Andros, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Andros

Sure, here are some typical foods of Andros in Greece: 1. Froutalia - a traditional omelette dish made with potatoes, onions, and various vegetables, often including zucchini or tomatoes. It's a hearty dish that's perfect for breakfast or lunch.
2. Pitaridia - similar to pasta, these homemade noodles are often served in a tomato sauce or with mushrooms and cheese. They're a comfort food that's perfect for a cold evening.
3. Apaki - a smoked pork loin that is marinated in red wine and spices before being smoked over wood chips. It's a flavorful and tender meat that works well in salads or sandwiches.
4. Manoura - a type of cheese made from goat's milk, this cheese has a tangy and savory flavor. It's often served as a snack with olives and bread.
5. Fava - a thick and creamy yellow split-pea soup that's often served as an appetizer or alongside grilled fish or meat. It's incredibly satisfying and hearty.
6. Kolokithopita - a savory pie made with phyllo dough and filled with grated zucchini, onions, and feta cheese. It's perfect as a main dish or as a snack.
7. Louza - a cured pork loin that's often sliced thin and served as a cold cut. It's seasoned with cinnamon, cloves, and other spices, giving it a unique and delicious flavor.
8. Kalasouna - a type of pastry filled with cheese or herbed spinach. It's similar to a calzone or pie, and is often served as a snack or light meal.
These are just a few of the many delicious foods you'll find in Andros, Greece. Enjoy!
You can find general info about typical foods in Greece here.

Is Andros an expensive destination for tourists?

Andros is generally considered a mid-to-high-end destination, so prices can vary depending on what type of experience you are looking for. The cost of accommodation, dining, and activities can be higher than other destinations in Greece. However, there are budget-friendly options available such as guesthouses, local tavernas, and free outdoor activities. Additionally, traveling to Andros outside of peak season (June-August) can help reduce costs. Overall, it is recommended to plan your budget carefully to ensure a pleasant trip to Andros.

Where to find accomodation in Andros

In Andros, most of the popular tourist destinations are located in three main areas: Batsi, Chora, and Ormos Korthiou. Batsi is most popular among tourists, offering a vibrant nightlife and a picturesque beach. It is also conveniently located near many of the island's most popular beaches and historic sites.
Chora, the island's capital, has a rich history and a colorful architecture, featuring narrow alleys and beautiful mansions. It's a great place to stay if you're interested in exploring the island's cultural heritage.
Ormos Korthiou is a quieter, more secluded area, but it boasts some of Andros's most beautiful beaches, making it a great choice for those seeking some peace and quiet amid stunning natural scenery. Ultimately, the best area for you to stay in will depend on your preferences and itinerary.
You can check hotel prices at Andros here:

Is Andros a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Andros is considered a safe place for tourists. According to the World Population Review, Greece has a crime rate lower than the European Union average. Andros Island is not known for serious crime, and visitors can safely enjoy the island's beaches, historical sites, and outdoor activities. However, as with any destination, it's always important to take standard safety precautions, such as being aware of your surroundings and belongings, avoiding walking alone in desolate areas at night, and following any local safety guidelines or recommendations.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Greece here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Andros.

What type of travelers will enjoy Andros the most?

Andros (Greece) has something to offer to every type of traveler. Couples and families can enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and beautiful beaches in Andros. The island is not as crowded as some of the other Greek islands, making it perfect for couples who prefer a quieter retreat and families who want to avoid the chaos of busy tourist spots. Younger travelers can also have a good time in Andros. There are plenty of activities to do such as trekking, cycling, and watersports. They can also enjoy the nightlife scene in the towns of Batsi and Chora. Overall, Andros is an ideal destination for those who seek to relax, enjoy the beauty of nature, and soak up the sun.

How to get around Andros

In Andros, Greece, the best way to move around is by car or motorbike. If you don't want to drive, you can also use the local bus service which is quite affordable. However, keep in mind that the buses run on a limited schedule and may not reach all areas of the island. Another option is to hire a taxi, but they tend to be quite expensive. Finally, if you like to stay in your area without moving much, walking or cycling can be an excellent option.

What to see around Andros

There are several beautiful places you can visit on a day trip from Andros, Greece. Here are some suggestions: 1. Tinos Island: Just a short ferry ride away from Andros, Tinos is known for its stunning beaches, picturesque villages, and beautiful churches. The famous Panagia Evangelistria is located on Tinos island and is considered one of the most important pilgrimage sites in Greece.
2. Mykonos Island: Mykonos is one of the most popular islands in Greece, known for its lively nightlife, beautiful beaches, and charming narrow streets with white-washed houses. You can take a ferry from Andros to Mykonos in just a couple of hours.
3. Delos Island: Delos is a small island located close to Mykonos and is known for its archaeological site which contains several ancient temples, statues, and buildings. Delos is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit destination for history lovers.
4. Syros Island: Syros is a beautiful island with a mix of neoclassical architecture, sandy beaches, and traditional villages. The island is home to the Ermoupoli, the capital of the Cyclades, and is known for its stunning architecture, beautiful churches, and colorful nightlife.
5. Athens: If you're looking to delve into history and culture, you can take a day trip to Athens from Andros. The Greek capital is filled with ancient monuments, museums, and sites like the Acropolis, the Parthenon, and the the National Archaeological Museum.
For every travel information about Greece you can click here.

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