Kimolos - Discovering Greece

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Travelling to Kimolos

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Kimolos, a pretty good destination in Greece (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Kimolos and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Kimolos, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Greece, here's everything to know about Kimolos for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Kimolos

Kimolos is a small, beautiful island in Greece located in the Aegean Sea. It is part of the Cyclades group of islands and is known for its stunning sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and volcanic landscapes. The population is around 800 residents, and the main settlement is Chorio. Tourism is the main industry, and visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, hiking, exploring archeological sites, and traditional cuisine. Kimolos is also famous for its hot springs, caves, and unique rock formations. Overall, it's a great destination for relaxing and experiencing the Greek island lifestyle.

Travelling to Kimolos and around: discovering Greece

What to visit in Kimolos

Kimolos is a charming Greek island situated in the Aegean Sea. Here are some of the most notable tourist attractions of Kimolos: 1. Polyaigos Island: The uninhabited Polyaigos Island is a natural wonder that is protected by the Natura 2000 network. It features spectacular beaches with crystal-clear waters, hidden coves, and fascinating rock formations. It is a popular destination for hiking, snorkeling, and bird-watching.
2. Kimolos Chorio: The main town of Kimolos, also known as Chorio, is a picturesque settlement that has maintained its traditional Cycladic architecture. The town is home to narrow streets, white-washed houses, and colorful flowers that create a romantic and relaxed ambiance. 3. Skiadi: Located in the center of the island, Skiadi is a unique rock formation that resembles a giant mushroom. It is one of the most photographed landmarks of Kimolos, and its formation is the result of natural erosion.
4. Prassa Beach: A stunning beach with white sand and turquoise waters located in the southwestern part of the island. It is a perfect spot for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying the beautiful scenery. 5. Ancient City of Ellinika: The ruins of an ancient city dating back to the 6th century BC, Ellinika is a fascinating archaeological site that is dotted with ancient temples, buildings, and walls.
6. Folklore Museum: The Folklore Museum of Kimolos is located in the town of Chorio and features artifacts related to the island's tradition, customs, and history. It's an excellent place to learn about the local culture and heritage of the island.
7. Soufi Beach: Another popular beach located in the eastern part of the island, Soufi also features clear waters and white sand. It is ideal for swimming and sunbathing and is a great spot for watching the sunset.
Overall, Kimolos is a peaceful and beautiful island that offers a unique and authentic Greek experience.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in Greece, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Kimolos

The best time to visit Kimolos is during the summer months, from late May to early September, when the weather is warm and sunny, and the sea is perfect for swimming. However, if you prefer fewer crowds and cooler weather, the months of April, May, and October can also be a good time to visit. It is worth noting that some restaurants, hotels, and tourist activities may have limited availability or be closed outside of the peak season.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Kimolos

To get to Kimolos, Greece, you have several options: 1. By Ferry: You can take a ferry from Athens to Kimolos. Ferries depart from Piraeus port in Athens and reach the port of Kimolos in about 7 hours. There are also connections from other nearby islands, like Milos, which takes about 25 minutes.
2. By Plane: There is no airport in Kimolos, so the closest airport is in Milos. You can take a flight from Athens airport to Milos airport, and from there, take a ferry to Kimolos.
3. By Car: Kimolos is accessible by car only by taking a ferry from the nearby island of Milos. You can rent a car in Milos and take the ferry to Kimolos with your car.
I recommend that you check the ferry schedules and availability, as they may vary depending on the season. It's always a good idea to book your tickets in advance, especially during the high season.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Kimolos, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Kimolos

Kimolos is a small Greek Island in the Aegean Sea, known for its natural beauty and traditional cuisine. Here are some typical foods of Kimolos: 1. Kremidotyri: It is a type of cheese made from goat milk and onions. The sweet aroma of the onions makes the cheese unique and delicious.
2. Chlori: It is a small fish, served fried or grilled. It has a tender, sweet meat and is considered a delicacy on the island.
3. Marathopita: It is a type of pie made with fennel and spinach. The crust is thin and flaky, while the filling is full of flavor and nutrients.
4. Lazarakia: It is a traditional pastry made during the Easter holidays. It is shaped like a human figure, covered with sesame seeds, and flavored with cinnamon and cloves.
5. Psimeni Raki: It is a strong alcoholic drink made from the distillation of the local grape skins. It is flavored with honey, cinnamon, and other herbs, and is served as an aperitif or a digestive after the meal.
6. Revithada: It is a traditional chickpea soup, cooked in a traditional earthenware pot. The soup is aromatic and flavorful, and is served with crusty bread and lemon wedges.
7. Melitinia: It is a sweet pastry, made with flour, butter, sugar, and local cheese. The filling is flavored with honey, cinnamon, and orange peel, and is baked until golden brown.
Enjoy your culinary journey to Kimolos!
You can find general info about typical foods in Greece here.

Is Kimolos an expensive destination for tourists?

Kimolos is considered to be an affordable destination in Greece. However, the cost of your trip to Kimolos will depend on the time of year you visit and the type of accommodation you choose. During the high tourist season (July and August), prices may be higher. It is recommended to shop around and compare prices for hotels, villas, and guesthouses before booking your trip. Additionally, dining and entertainment costs can vary depending on your preferences. Nevertheless, compared to some other Greek destinations, Kimolos is generally considered to be a budget-friendly and laid-back island.

Where to find accomodation in Kimolos

The best areas to find accommodation in Kimolos, Greece are the main village of Chorio and the nearby port of Psathi. Chorio is the historic capital of the island and offers traditional Cycladic charm, while Psathi has a more modern feel and is closer to the beaches. Both areas have a variety of accommodation options, including hotels, apartments, and guesthouses. Additionally, some visitors choose to stay in the southern part of the island near Prassa Beach for a more secluded experience.
You can check hotel prices at Kimolos here:

Is Kimolos a safe destination for tourists?

Kimolos is generally a safe place for tourists. The crime rate is low and the locals are friendly and welcoming. However, it is important to take basic safety precautions like you would in any place you visit. Here are some tips to ensure a safe trip: - Be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone at night in deserted areas.
- Always keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas and on public transportation.
- If you rent a car or scooter, drive carefully and follow the local traffic rules.
- Be careful when swimming in the sea, especially if you are not a good swimmer, and always swim in designated areas.
- Pay attention to weather reports, as strong winds and sea currents can occur in the area.
Overall, Kimolos is a safe and beautiful island to visit, but it is always important to maintain a level of awareness and caution while traveling.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Greece here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Kimolos.

What type of travelers will enjoy Kimolos the most?

Kimolos in Greece is a great destination for travelers who are seeking a peaceful and relaxing holiday away from the crowds. Couples and families, in particular, will find it to be an ideal getaway.
Here are some reasons why different types of travelers would enjoy Kimolos: - Couples: Kimolos offers a romantic atmosphere with its traditional architecture, stunning beaches, and idyllic countryside. Couples can take long walks along the coast, explore the town's winding alleys, and enjoy sunset views over the sea. There are also many intimate restaurants and bars for couples to enjoy a night out.
- Families: Kimolos is family-friendly, with its calm waters and safe beaches. Children can swim, build sandcastles, and discover sea creatures in the tidal pools. There are also many paths to explore the island's nature by hiking, biking, or taking boat tours around the island.
- Young people: While Kimolos is not known for its nightlife, young travelers can still find some fun options. They can take part in the water sports offered on the beaches, organize adventurous excursions to nearby islands or even rent a boat to explore the coastline.
Overall, Kimolos is an excellent destination for travelers who appreciate unspoiled natural beauty, local culture, and traditional island life.

How to get around Kimolos

The best way to move around Kimolos is by rental car, scooter, or ATV. There are also local buses that run between the villages, but they operate on limited schedules, so renting your own transportation is the most convenient option. The island's small size also makes it easy to explore by foot or bicycle if you plan on staying close to your accommodation.

What to see around Kimolos

Here are some nice places to visit on a day trip from Kimolos, Greece: 1. Milos Island - Milos is a neighboring island that is renowned for its beautiful beaches, crystal clear waters, and stunning architecture.
2. Polyaigos Island - Polyaigos is an uninhabited island just a short ferry ride from Kimolos, known for its pristine beaches and clear blue waters.
3. Kleftiko Beach - One of the most photographed beaches in Greece, Kleftiko is an idyllic rocky cove accessible only by boat, which makes for an exciting day trip.
4. Sarakiniko Beach - Sarakiniko is a unique and breathtaking beach on Milos Island characterized by its completely white rock formations and crystal blue waters.
5. Tsigrado Beach - A hidden gem on Milos Island, Tsigrado beach is a small cove that requires a bit of climbing to access, but once there, the turquoise-green waters are well worth the effort. 6. Kimolos Caves - Discovered only a few years ago, the Kimolos Caves feature a delightful combination of geological variations, including stalagmites, stalactites, and crystal formations. I hope these suggestions helped. Enjoy your trip!
For every travel information about Greece you can click here.

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