Hinterglemm - Discovering Austria

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Travelling to Hinterglemm

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Hinterglemm, a pretty good destination in Austria (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Hinterglemm and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Hinterglemm, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Austria, here's everything to know about Hinterglemm for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Hinterglemm

Hinterglemm is a small town located in the Salzburg state of Austria. It is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful alpine scenery, skiing, and outdoor adventures. Hinterglemm is situated in the Glemm Valley, surrounded by mountains, forests, and lakes, making it an ideal destination for hiking and mountain biking in the summer months. During the winter season, Hinterglemm becomes a bustling ski resort with over 270 km of pistes and multiple ski lifts connecting it to nearby villages. Additionally, it offers a range of après-ski activities, from cozy traditional restaurants to lively bars and nightclubs.

Travelling to Hinterglemm and around: discovering Austria

What to visit in Hinterglemm

Hinterglemm is a beautiful destination in Austria that offers plenty of recreational and tourism opportunities. Below are some of the top tourist attractions in Hinterglemm and some information about them: 1. Saalbach-Hinterglemm Ski Resort: This is one of the major skiing destinations in Europe, with over 270 km of slopes available for skiing and snowboarding. The resort has a variety of terrain for beginners and experts alike, and it's also home to several après-ski bars.
2. Zwölferkogelbahn: This cable car ride offers stunning views of the mountains and the valley below. It takes about 10 minutes to reach the top, where visitors can enjoy skiing, hiking, or just take in the views.
3. Heidlinger Tea House: This quaint tea house is located in the middle of a forest and offers visitors a chance to relax with a cup of tea and some homemade pastries.
4. Bergfriedlift: This is a chairlift that takes visitors to the top of a mountain where they can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding area. Additionally, visitors can choose to explore the area on foot or by bike.
5. Montelino's Adventure Path: This is a fun trail for families with children. The trail is designed around the story of Montelino, a little clown who lives in the mountains. There are various activities along the way, such as puzzles, games, and treasure hunts.
6. BaumZipfelweg: This is a unique treetop walk that offers visitors a bird's eye view of the forest. The walk features several viewing platforms, suspension bridges, and even a spiral staircase.
7. Lindlingalm: This is a cozy and traditional mountain hut that serves delicious Austrian cuisine. The hut is located near the Zwölferkogelbahn cable car and is a great lunch spot for skiers and hikers alike.
8. Schattberg X-press: This cable car ride takes visitors to the top of Schattberg mountain, where they can enjoy stunning views of the surrounding peaks. From the top, visitors can also access several hiking trails or even take a paragliding flight. Overall, Hinterglemm offers visitors a vast array of activities to choose from, including skiing, hiking, dining, and more.

When to go on holiday to Hinterglemm

The best time to visit Hinterglemm, Austria is during the winter months, from December to March, for skiing and winter sports activities. However, if you prefer hiking, sightseeing, and outdoor activities, the summer months from June to September are also a great time to visit when the weather is mild and pleasant. Keep in mind, Hinterglemm is a popular tourist destination, so it's best to book your accommodations well in advance.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Hinterglemm

Hinterglemm is a picturesque town located in the Austrian state of Salzburg. Here are a few ways to reach Hinterglemm: **By Air** The nearest international airport to Hinterglemm is Salzburg Airport, which is about 90 km away. From there, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Hinterglemm.
**By Train** Nearest train station to Hinterglemm is Saalfelden Station. From there, you can easily take a bus or a taxi to reach Hinterglemm.
**By Road** Hinterglemm is well-connected by road to major cities in Austria and Germany. Both public and private buses are readily available from Salzburg, Innsbruck, and Munich to reach Hinterglemm.
I recommend checking the schedules and booking in advance to make the journey hassle-free.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Hinterglemm, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Hinterglemm

Sure, here are some typical foods you might find in Hinterglemm, Austria: 1. Kaiserschmarrn - A shredded pancake typically served with fruit compote or apple sauce. It is a popular dessert or sweet lunch in Austria.
2. Wiener Schnitzel - A breaded and fried veal cutlet that is a classic Austrian dish. This is usually served with a side of French fries, potatoes, or cranberry sauce.
3. Tafelspitz - A type of beef, usually boiled and served with potatoes, vegetables, and broth. This dish is sometimes served with a side of apple horseradish sauce.
4. Goulash - A spicy beef or pork stew often served with bread or potatoes. It is a hearty, flavorful dish that will warm you up on a cold day.
5. Apfelstrudel - A sweet pastry filled with warm, cinnamon-spiced apple slices, raisins and nuts. This is a classic and delicious dessert that you will likely find all over Austria.
6. Kasnocken - A type of dumpling made with flour, eggs, and Alpine cheese. This dish is often served with salad or sautéed onions, and is a popular comfort food during the colder months.
7. Speckknödel - A dumpling made from bread or potato dough mixed with chunks of smoked bacon. This dish is served with cabbage salad, and is a staple of rural Austrian cuisine.
These are just a few examples of the delicious foods you might find in Hinterglemm. Austrian cuisine is diverse, hearty and flavorful, so there's plenty to explore!
You can find general info about typical foods in Austria here.

Is Hinterglemm an expensive destination for tourists?

Hinterglemm is definitely not the cheapest destination for tourists, but it does offer excellent skiing and outdoor adventure experiences. The prices of accommodation, food, and activities are generally higher than in some other destinations in Austria. However, the quality of the infrastructure and services is also higher, making it a popular choice for tourists who are willing to spend a bit more to have a fantastic holiday experience. It is always a good idea to compare prices, plan ahead, and look for deals when booking your trip to any destination.

Where to find accomodation in Hinterglemm

Hinterglemm is a small ski resort town in the Austrian Alps. The best areas to find accommodation to visit Hinterglemm are: 1. Hinterglemm village center: This is the heart of Hinterglemm and offers easy access to ski lifts, restaurants, and shops.
2. Saalbach village: Located just a few kilometers from Hinterglemm, Saalbach offers a wider variety of accommodation options and a lively après-ski scene.
3. Leogang: This neighboring ski resort town is about a 10-minute drive from Hinterglemm and offers quieter accommodation options and a more laid-back atmosphere.
4. Fieberbrunn: Located about a 20-minute drive from Hinterglemm, Fieberbrunn is a popular ski resort town with a range of accommodation options and excellent skiing.
Overall, the best area to stay in Hinterglemm will depend on your specific preferences and the type of experience you are looking for.
You can check hotel prices at Hinterglemm here:

Is Hinterglemm a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Hinterglemm is generally considered a safe place for tourists. Austria as a whole is known for having a low crime rate and a peaceful society. However, as with any destination, it's always a good idea to exercise caution and take basic safety measures such as keeping an eye on your belongings and avoiding dark, quiet areas at night. It is also advisable to stay informed about any current events in the area and to heed any warnings given by local authorities or your accommodation provider.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Austria here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Hinterglemm.

What type of travelers will enjoy Hinterglemm the most?

Hinterglemm, Austria is a great destination for families, couples, and young people looking for fun. The resort offers a variety of activities throughout the year, such as skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and mountain biking. For families, Hinterglemm has many child-friendly activities, including a ski kindergarten, tobogganing, and a playground. There are also several beginner slopes that are perfect for kids and less experienced skiers.
Couples can enjoy the romantic atmosphere of the village, with its picturesque chalets, restaurants, and cafes. There are also many romantic activities, such as horse-drawn sleigh rides and skiing under the stars.
Young people looking for fun will enjoy the lively nightlife of Hinterglemm, with its bars, clubs, and music festivals. The resort is known for its après-ski scene and hosts many events throughout the winter season.
Overall, Hinterglemm is a versatile destination that offers something for everyone.

How to get around Hinterglemm

In Hinterglemm, the most common mode of transportation is by foot or by using public transportation, such as buses or taxis. The village center is compact and easily walkable, so walking is a good option for getting around. Buses also run regularly throughout the day, providing easy access to nearby towns and attractions. Additionally, there are bike rental services for exploring the area on two wheels.

What to see around Hinterglemm

Sure, here are some suggestions: 1. Zell am See: A charming lakeside town with spectacular mountain views, just a 30-minute drive from Hinterglemm.
2. Krimml Waterfalls: One of the highest waterfalls in Europe, located about an hour's drive from Hinterglemm.
3. Grossglockner High Alpine Road: A scenic drive through the Austrian Alps, with breathtaking views and plenty of opportunities for hiking and photography.
4. Salzburg: The birthplace of Mozart and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Salzburg is about a 1.5-hour drive from Hinterglemm and is known for its stunning architecture and rich cultural heritage.
5. Innsbruck: The capital of the Tyrol region, Innsbruck is a scenic city nestled in the heart of the Alps, about a 2-hour drive from Hinterglemm. It's famous for its medieval Old Town, ski resorts, and stunning mountain views.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. There are many more day trip options available, depending on your interests and preferences.
For every travel information about Austria you can click here.

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