Hinterstoder - Discovering Austria

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Travelling to Hinterstoder

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Hinterstoder, a pretty good destination in Austria (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Hinterstoder and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Hinterstoder, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through Austria, here's everything to know about Hinterstoder for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Hinterstoder

Hinterstoder is a small village located in the Upper Austria region of Austria. It is situated in the foothills of the Totes Gebirge mountain range, which makes it a popular destination for outdoor activities like skiing, hiking, and mountain biking. The village is home to approximately 1,500 residents and has a charming, traditional Austrian feel. It has a variety of shops, restaurants, and accommodations for visitors, as well as a ski resort with modern lifts and slopes suitable for all levels of skiers.

Travelling to Hinterstoder and around: discovering Austria

What to visit in Hinterstoder

Sure, here are some tourist attractions of Hinterstoder in Austria along with some information about each: 1. Hinterstoder Ski Resort: Hinterstoder is well-known for its ski resort, which offers 40 kilometers of ski runs catering to both beginners and advanced skiers. The resort also hosts ski competitions at an international level.
2. Kalkalpen National Park: The Kalkalpen National Park is a stunning natural attraction that encompasses over 20,000 hectares of forests, valleys, and mountains. The park is home to a wide array of wildlife, including lynx, bears, and eagles.
3. Höss Adventure World: Located in the Hinterstoder ski resort, Höss Adventure World is a fun-filled theme park for kids and adults alike. The park boasts a giant slide, a climbing wall, a trampoline, a zipline, and more.
4. Stodertaler Gaudi Express: The Stodertaler Gaudi Express is a popular tourist attraction in the area, featuring a train ride that winds through the picturesque landscapes of Hinterstoder.
5. Hinterstoder Museum: The Hinterstoder Museum is a cultural attraction that showcases the history and traditions of the town and its surrounding region. The exhibits include local crafts, fine art, and historical artifacts.
6. Hutterer Höss Panorama Road: Hutterer Höss Panorama Road is a scenic drive that takes visitors through gorgeous mountain landscapes offering panoramic views of the surrounding valleys.
7. Schiederweiher Lake: Schiederweiher Lake is a tranquil natural attraction located just a few kilometers away from Hinterstoder. It is a lovely spot for picnicking, swimming, or simply enjoying the peaceful surroundings.
I hope these suggestions help you plan your trip to Hinterstoder. Enjoy your visit!

When to go on holiday to Hinterstoder

The best time to go on holiday to Hinterstoder depends largely on your interests and preferences. Hinterstoder is a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts, so if you enjoy skiing, snowboarding, or other winter activities, the best time to visit is during the winter months from December through March. The ski season in Hinterstoder typically begins in early December and runs through late March.
If winter sports aren't your thing, you may prefer to visit Hinterstoder in the summer months. The weather is usually mild and pleasant during this time, with temperatures ranging from the mid-60s to mid-70s Fahrenheit (around 18-25°C). The summer months are ideal for hiking, mountain biking, and other outdoor activities, as the mountains and surrounding countryside offer stunning scenic views.
Overall, the best time to visit Hinterstoder depends on your personal preferences and what you hope to experience during your trip.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Hinterstoder

There are several ways to get to Hinterstoder in Austria, depending on where you are coming from.
By plane: The closest airport to Hinterstoder is Linz Airport, which is around 75 km away. From the airport, you can take a taxi or rent a car to get to Hinterstoder.
By train: The nearest train station to Hinterstoder is Windischgarsten, which is around 14 km away. From there, you can take a bus, taxi, or rent a car to get to Hinterstoder.
By car: Hinterstoder is located in the south of Upper Austria, about 250 km from Vienna and 60 km from Linz. The easiest way to get there by car is to take the A9 motorway and then exit at Klaus. From there, follow the signs to Hinterstoder.
Once you arrive in Hinterstoder, there are plenty of options for transportation, including renting a car, taking a taxi, or using the local bus service.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Hinterstoder, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Hinterstoder

Hinterstoder is a beautiful village in Austria, popular for its skiing and hiking opportunities. When it comes to cuisine, the region boasts some delicious traditional dishes. Here are some typical foods of Hinterstoder along with a brief description: 1. Goulash: A hearty dish made with tender beef, onions, and paprika, slow-cooked and served with bread or potatoes.
2. Kaiserschmarrn: A popular Austrian dessert, made with shredded pancakes, raisins, and served with vanilla sauce.
3. Speckknödel: A savory dumpling made with bacon, bread, and eggs, served with sauerkraut or salad.
4. Wiener Schnitzel: A classic Austrian dish, thin slices of breaded veal, fried to perfection, and served with roasted potatoes or mixed salad.
5. Brezen: Soft pretzels, often served with butter and cheese, are a popular snack in Hinterstoder.
6. Germknödel: A sweet dumpling stuffed with plum jam and served with vanilla sauce.
7. Leberknödelsuppe: A soup made with liver dumplings, vegetables, and hearty broth. A popular dish for cold winter evenings.
Overall, Hinterstoder's typical foods offer a delicious and hearty taste of Austrian cuisine.
You can find general info about typical foods in Austria here.

Is Hinterstoder an expensive destination for tourists?

Hinterstoder is known to be a popular and picturesque ski resort in Austria, which can make it a bit expensive for tourists, especially during peak season. Prices for accommodation, lift tickets, and food can be higher than in other places in Austria. However, there are still affordable options available for budget travelers, especially if you visit during the offseason. It's always a good idea to research and plan ahead to ensure you find the best deals and prices for your trip.

Where to find accomodation in Hinterstoder

There are several areas that offer good accommodation options for visitors to Hinterstoder, Austria. Some popular areas include the village center, where you will find a variety of hotels, guesthouses and apartments within walking distance of restaurants and shops. Another popular option is Spital am Pyhrn, which is just a few kilometers away from Hinterstoder and offers a range of accommodation options in a quiet and picturesque setting. The surrounding towns of Windischgarsten and Roßleithen are also worth considering, as they offer a range of hotels and apartments with easy access to Hinterstoder and other nearby ski resorts.
You can check hotel prices at Hinterstoder here:

Is Hinterstoder a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Hinterstoder is generally a safe place for tourists. Austria has a low crime rate, and Hinterstoder is a small mountain village with a tight-knit community, which adds to its safety. However, as with any destination, visitors should exercise caution and be aware of their surroundings, particularly when hiking or skiing in the mountains. Additionally, it is always a good idea to take basic safety precautions like keeping an eye on your belongings and not leaving valuables unattended.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in Austria here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Hinterstoder.

What type of travelers will enjoy Hinterstoder the most?

Hinterstoder is an ideal destination for families and outdoor enthusiasts. The area boasts stunning natural landscapes and offers a wealth of activities such as hiking, skiing, cycling, and mountaineering. For those seeking relaxation, Hinterstoder is also home to a number of spas and wellness centers. While the town does not offer a lively nightlife scene, there are still plenty of dining options and cozy taverns perfect for couples or groups of friends. So, if you are looking for an adventurous and scenic holiday, Hinterstoder is a great choice.

How to get around Hinterstoder

In Hinterstoder, you can move around by using public transportation such as buses, taxis or by renting a car. Additionally, you can also opt for cycling or hiking to explore the area.

What to see around Hinterstoder

Sure, here are some nice places to visit in a day trip from Hinterstoder: 1. Hallstatt: A picturesque village known for its beautiful lake, Alpine scenery, and salt mine.
2. Salzburg: The birthplace of Mozart and the setting for the film "The Sound of Music", Salzburg is a charming city with a rich history and beautiful architecture.
3. Linz: The third-largest city in Austria, known for its contemporary art scene, museums, and beautiful river views.
4. Traunsee: A stunning lake with crystal clear water surrounded by mountains, located in the heart of the Austrian Alps.
5. Gmunden: A quaint town nestled on the shores of Lake Traunsee, with charming old buildings, a castle, and a pottery market.
6. Wels: A small town with a medieval historic center, a beautiful city park, and a modern shopping center.
7. Kremstal: A scenic wine region located along the Danube River, known for its award-winning wines, charming villages, and beautiful landscape.
I hope this helps!
For every travel information about Austria you can click here.

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