Huangguoshu Waterfall - Discovering China

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Travelling to Huangguoshu Waterfall

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Huangguoshu Waterfall, a pretty good destination in China (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Huangguoshu Waterfall and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Huangguoshu Waterfall, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through China, here's everything to know about Huangguoshu Waterfall for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Huangguoshu Waterfall

Huangguoshu Waterfall is a famous tourist attraction in China located in Anshun, Guizhou Province. It is the largest waterfall in Asia and is composed of 18 different waterfalls spanning a total width of 100 meters (330 feet). The tallest waterfall in the system is the main Huangguoshu Waterfall, which has a height of 77.8 meters (255 feet) and a width of 101 meters (331 feet). Visitors can view the waterfall from various platforms and viewpoints or take a boat ride to get closer to the falls. There are also hiking trails and other attractions in the area, including a karst cave and a ethnic village.

Travelling to Huangguoshu Waterfall and around: discovering China

What to visit in Huangguoshu Waterfall

1. Huangguoshu Waterfall: Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest waterfall in China, located in the Guizhou province. It is 77.8 meters high and 101 meters wide, making it an impressive sight to behold. There are several viewing platforms and pathways that allow visitors to witness the power and beauty of the waterfall up close.
2. Dragon Palace Cave: Located at the foot of Huangguoshu Waterfall, the Dragon Palace Cave is another popular attraction in the area. Visitors can explore the underground caves and admire the unique rock formations and stalactites. The cave is also illuminated with colored lights, giving it a magical atmosphere.
3. Tianxing Bridge Scenic Area: This scenic area is situated around 6 kilometers west of Huangguoshu Waterfall and offers stunning views of the natural landscape. Visitors can walk along the Tianxing Bridge and see the clear streams, towering cliffs, and lush vegetation of the area. 4. Doupotang Waterfall: Doupotang Waterfall is another waterfall located in the Huangguoshu area. It is 105 meters high and offers a different perspective on the beauty of the natural surroundings. Visitors can explore the area on foot or by taking a rafting tour along the river.
5. Buyi Minority Ethnic Village: This traditional village is located just outside the Huangguoshu scenic area and offers visitors a chance to see the unique culture and way of life of the Buyi people. There are traditional houses, handicraft shops, and local restaurants serving authentic cuisine.
Overall, Huangguoshu Waterfall and its surrounding attractions offer visitors a chance to experience the natural beauty, culture, and history of the Guizhou province in China.
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in China, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Huangguoshu Waterfall

The best time to visit Huangguoshu Waterfall in China is during the autumn months (September to November). During this time, the weather is mild and comfortable, the crowds are smaller, and the foliage surrounding the waterfall is colorful and beautiful. The summer months (June to August) are also popular times to visit, but the weather can be hot and humid, with larger crowds. It is recommended to avoid visiting during the winter months (December to February) as it can be very cold and the waterfall may be frozen.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Huangguoshu Waterfall

To get to Huangguoshu Waterfall in China, you can take a flight to Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport. From there, you can take a shuttle bus or hire a private car to get to Huangguoshu Waterfall. The journey will take around 2.5-3 hours by car from the airport to the waterfall. Alternatively, you can take a train from Guiyang Railway Station to Anshun Railway Station, then take a local bus or taxi to the waterfall. Once you arrive at Huangguoshu Waterfall, you can purchase tickets and start exploring the park. There are several trails and viewing platforms to enjoy the stunning waterfall and surrounding natural beauty.
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Huangguoshu Waterfall, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Huangguoshu Waterfall

Huangguoshu Waterfall is located in Guizhou Province, China, and is known for its unique cuisine. Here are some of the typical foods from the region: 1. Sour Fish Hotpot: A traditional dish served in a simmering pot filled with fish, vegetables, and sour broth. The fish used for this dish is usually the local Grass Carp.
2. Liping Fermented Tofu: A type of tofu that is fermented in limestone caves and has a distinct sour and spicy flavor. It is a favorite snack of the locals.
3. Qianhu Miao Rice: A type of sticky rice cooked with wild vegetables and served with meat. This dish is a specialty of the Miao people who live in Guizhou Province.
4. Guizhou Fried Dumplings: Dumplings filled with pork, vegetables, and spices. These dumplings are pan-fried until crispy and served with a spicy dipping sauce.
5. Spicy Chicken Feet: A popular street food that is made by deep-frying chicken feet and tossing them in a spicy Sichuan-style sauce.
6. Huaxi Beef Noodles: A dish of noodles served in a rich beef broth with slices of tender beef and vegetables. This dish is a specialty of the Huaxi area of Guizhou Province.
7. Tofu Skin Rolls: Rolls filled with tofu skin, mushrooms, and vegetables. They are a popular vegetarian snack and are often served with a sweet and sour dipping sauce.
These are just a few examples of the delicious and unique foods you can find in Huangguoshu Waterfall and its surrounding areas.
You can find general info about typical foods in China here.

Is Huangguoshu Waterfall an expensive destination for tourists?

The cost of visiting Huangguoshu Waterfall in China can vary depending on the type of experience you are looking for. The entrance fee to the waterfall park is around 150 RMB (about $23 USD), which is relatively affordable for most tourists. However, if you want to do activities such as the boat ride or scenic cable car, those will cost additional money.
Accommodation and transportation costs can also add up, especially if you choose to stay in a more high-end resort near the waterfall.
Overall, Huangguoshu Waterfall is not considered overly expensive for tourists, but it's still important to budget and plan accordingly for the different expenses that may come up during your trip.

Where to find accomodation in Huangguoshu Waterfall

There are different accommodation options available for visitors who wish to visit the Huangguoshu Waterfall area in China. However, some of the most convenient areas to find accommodation are: 1. Within the Huangguoshu Waterfall Scenic Area: This area offers various accommodations ranging from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels, allowing visitors to stay closer to the waterfall and enjoy the scenic beauty without worrying about travel time.
2. Anshun City: Anshun is the nearest city to Huangguoshu Waterfall, and it provides visitors with multiple accommodation options, including hotels, guesthouses, and serviced apartments. Plus, visitors can enjoy the thrill of exploring the ancient town of Xixi and the Tunbao Village nearby.
3. Guiyang City: Guiyang is the capital city of Guizhou Province, located around 2 hours away from Huangguoshu Waterfall. It offers a wider range of accommodations, including luxury hotels, international chains, and budget guesthouses. Visitors can enjoy the city's vibrant nightlife, bustling markets, and explore the rich cultural heritage of the region.
Overall, the choice of accommodation largely depends on the visitor's preferences, budget, and travel plans.
You can check hotel prices at Huangguoshu Waterfall here:

Is Huangguoshu Waterfall a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Huangguoshu Waterfall in China is generally considered a safe place for tourists. However, as with any natural attraction, it is important to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines to avoid accidents or injuries. Visitors are advised to stay on designated paths and not venture too close to the waterfall or the edge of the cliffs. Additionally, it is always a good idea to check weather conditions before visiting to ensure that there are no risky conditions such as heavy rain, strong winds or flooding.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in China here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Huangguoshu Waterfall.

What type of travelers will enjoy Huangguoshu Waterfall the most?

Huangguoshu Waterfall in China is a spectacular natural wonder that can be enjoyed by all types of travelers, from couples to young people and families alike. However, families with children may find this destination especially enjoyable due to its accessibility and range of activities available.
There are several trails and observation points in the area that offer scenic views of the waterfall, which can be appreciated by couples and young people. Additionally, the surrounding countryside is full of natural beauty and offers opportunities for hiking, exploring local cultures, and enjoying outdoor activities.
Overall, Huangguoshu Waterfall is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to China who loves nature, adventure, and beautiful scenery.

How to get around Huangguoshu Waterfall

The best way to move around Huangguoshu Waterfall and the surrounding area is by using a combination of walking, sightseeing buses, and taxis. Walking is the best option for exploring the waterfall on foot and taking in the stunning natural scenery. Sightseeing buses are available to transport visitors to different areas of the park, but they have a fixed route and schedule. Taxis are also available, offering more flexibility and convenience for travel within the park and nearby areas. However, be prepared for higher fees during peak seasons.

What to see around Huangguoshu Waterfall

Sure, here are some nice places you can visit in a day trip from Huangguoshu Waterfall: 1. Dragon Palace Cave - This is an underground cave system located about 10km east of Huangguoshu Waterfall, and it features beautiful stalactites and stalagmites.
2. Tianxing Bridge Scenic Area - This scenic area includes several beautiful natural bridges, such as the "Lovers' Bridge" and the "Rainbow Bridge." 3. Zhijin Cave - This cave is known for its unique karst formations and underground rivers, and it features several beautiful chambers that are open to the public.
4. Longgong Scenic Area - This scenic area is located near the town of Anshun, and it features beautiful waterfalls, natural pools, and hiking trails.
5. Yunfeng Mountain - This mountain is located about 50km southeast of Huangguoshu Waterfall, and it offers beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. It is also home to several historic temples and pagodas.
6. Qianxi County - This county is located about 70km east of Huangguoshu Waterfall, and it is known for its beautiful countryside and traditional rural lifestyle. Visitors can explore local markets, visit historic temples, and enjoy scenic hikes in the surrounding hills.
For every travel information about China you can click here.

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