Wenzhou - Discovering China

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Travelling to Wenzhou

In this page you can find every information for a holiday in Wenzhou, a pretty good destination in China (all info about the whole country here).
We will answer the most important questions: what to visit, when to go, how to get to Wenzhou and what means of transport to use to get around. We will describe typical foods, the costs for tourists and where to find accomodation. We will list also the places to see around Wenzhou, and we will also talk about safety and how each type of traveler can enjoy a trip here.
So, if you are travelling through China, here's everything to know about Wenzhou for a perfect holiday.

General info for a trip to Wenzhou

Wenzhou is a city located in the southeastern coast of China, in the province of Zhejiang. It has a population of over 9 million people and is a vibrant commercial city known for its trade and manufacturing industries. Wenzhou has a long history and rich cultural heritage, with various historical and cultural sites to explore. The city is also surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, such as mountains and the coast, making it a popular tourist destination. The local cuisine in Wenzhou is also famous for its fresh seafood and unique flavors.

Travelling to Wenzhou and around: discovering China

What to visit in Wenzhou

Sure, here are some popular tourist attractions in Wenzhou, China with a brief description for each: 1. Jiangxin Island - Located off the coast of Wenzhou, this small island is known for its stunning natural scenery, crystal-clear waters, and lush greenery. Visitors can enjoy hiking, swimming, and sailing, as well as explore local temples and shrines.
2. Wuma Street - This bustling pedestrian street is a popular destination for shopping, dining, and entertainment. It is lined with colorful shops and restaurants, selling everything from souvenirs and handicrafts to local delicacies.
3. Songtai Mountain - This scenic mountain range is situated in the northwestern part of the city and offers some of the best hiking and trekking opportunities. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the city, see ancient inscriptions, and explore local temples and villages.
4. Yandang Mountain - Often considered to be one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in China, Yandang Mountain features stunning natural scenery, including waterfalls, rock formations, and deep canyons. Visitors can enjoy hiking and trekking, as well as camping and sightseeing.
5. Nanxi River - Known as the "Mini Three Gorges," Nanxi River offers breathtaking views of rugged cliffs, crystal-clear water, and lush forests. Visitors can take boat tours, go fishing, or simply relax by the river.
6. Jiangxin Park - Situated in the heart of Wenzhou, Jiangxin Park offers a peaceful escape from the city's hustle and bustle. The park features a beautiful lake, lush gardens, and historic pagodas, as well as a variety of outdoor activities.
7. Fudiao Tower - This historic tower, located in the city center, is the oldest existing wooden structure in Wenzhou. It is a popular landmark and museum, showcasing the city's rich cultural heritage and history.
8. Wenzhou Museum - Dedicated to preserving the local heritage and culture, Wenzhou Museum features a vast collection of cultural relics, including ancient pottery, paintings, and sculptures. It is a must-visit for anyone interested in the city's history and art.
Hope this helps!
In this website, you can find many other destinations to visit in China, so you can have a look in the "USEFUL LINKS" sections in this page for other places that could inspire your trip.

When to go on holiday to Wenzhou

The best time to visit Wenzhou is during the months of October and November, as the weather is comfortable with cooler temperatures and less rainfall. Another good time to visit is during the spring months of March to May, when the temperatures are mild and flowers are in bloom. However, be aware that the humidity can be quite high during these months. If you want to avoid the crowds, it is advisable to avoid peak tourist season, which is generally during the summer months from June to August.

You can book here visit and activities to do during your holiday!

How to get to Wenzhou

There are several ways to get to Wenzhou, China depending on your location. Here are some options: 1. By plane: You can fly directly to Wenzhou Longwan International Airport from major Chinese cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. International flights from Seoul and Bangkok are also available.
2. By train: Wenzhou is connected to the national railway network with services available from Shanghai, Hangzhou, and other cities. The Wenzhou Railway Station and the Wenzhou South Railway Station are the two stations in the city.
3. By bus: Long-distance buses run to Wenzhou from nearby cities like Hangzhou and Ningbo. 4. By car: If you are already in China, you can rent a car or take a taxi to Wenzhou. It's around a 5-hour drive from Shanghai.
I hope this information helps you plan your trip to Wenzhou!
To find the most convenient flights, compare (and book if you like!) the best offers here on Skyscanner.
To hire a car to visit Wenzhou, I recommend to check this: COMPARE HERE ALL OFFERS FOR CAR RENTAL

Typical foods in Wenzhou

Here are some typical foods of Wenzhou, China: 1. Jiangbing (煎饼): A type of Chinese crepe filled with various ingredients such as eggs, meat, vegetables, and sauces. It is a common breakfast item in Wenzhou.
2. Kuniu rou (苦牛肉): A specialty Wenzhou dish made from beef that has been marinated in a mixture of soy sauce and other spices, then smoked with tea leaves. It has a strong and unique flavor.
3. Longjing Xia Ren (龙井虾仁): A dish made with dragon well tea leaves and fresh shrimp. The shrimp are lightly stir-fried with the tea leaves, giving them a delicate and aromatic flavor.
4. Wenzhou Guotie (温州锅贴): A type of pan-fried dumpling filled with pork and vegetables. The dumplings are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.
5. Youxi gao (油糕): A popular street food made of fried dough, usually topped with sesame seeds or a sweet glaze. It is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.
6. Fenghuang Dan (凤凰蛋): A type of Wenzhou tea boiled egg that has been marinated in a mixture of tea and spices. The outer shell of the egg turns brown and takes on a tea-like flavor, while the yolk remains soft and creamy.
7. Baojing Bang 鲍鱼酿: A specialty Wenzhou dish made with abalone that has been stuffed with a mixture of ground pork, bamboo shoots, and mushrooms. The dish is then stewed in a savory sauce until the flavors meld together.
You can find general info about typical foods in China here.

Is Wenzhou an expensive destination for tourists?

Wenzhou can be considered a moderately expensive city for tourists in China. It is known for its manufacturing industry and is also a major commercial hub in the region, which can contribute to relatively high costs. However, compared to larger cities like Beijing and Shanghai, Wenzhou's cost of living is lower. Accommodation, food, and transportation are still affordable, but prices may vary depending on the location and level of luxury you choose. It's important to budget appropriately and research prices in advance to ensure you have an enjoyable trip within your budget.

Where to find accomodation in Wenzhou

For tourists visiting Wenzhou, it is best to find accommodation in the city center or near the Longwan District which is the closest district to the Wenzhou Yongqiang Airport. The city center is a popular choice for tourists as it provides easy access to major tourist attractions such as Wenzhou World Trade Center and Wenzhou Museum. The Qian Ku area is also a good option as it is home to many restaurants and nightlife spots. Overall, it's recommended to choose a location that is convenient for your activities and has good transportation options.
You can check hotel prices at Wenzhou here:

Is Wenzhou a safe destination for tourists?

Yes, Wenzhou is generally a safe place for tourists. Like any city, it's important to keep certain safety precautions in mind such as being aware of your surroundings, avoiding walking alone in dark or isolated areas at night, and keeping track of your belongings.
In Wenzhou, pickpocketing and other types of petty crime can occur in crowded tourist areas, so it's always a good idea to keep your valuables secured and be alert. It's also important to note that Wenzhou is located in a part of China that is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes, so it's a good idea to be aware of weather conditions and follow any safety instructions from local authorities.
Overall, Wenzhou is generally a safe and welcoming destination for tourists, and visitors can take comfort in knowing that there is a low crime rate and that the local people are friendly and helpful.
You can find general info about safety for tourists in China here. Always check updated government info about travelers's safety on the ufficial Foreign Affairs website of your government, before visiting Wenzhou.

What type of travelers will enjoy Wenzhou the most?

Wenzhou is a diverse city with attractions that cater to different types of travelers. Couples will enjoy the romantic streets of Jiangxin Island, where they can take a leisurely walk, enjoy the surrounding views, and savor the local cuisine. Mount Yandang, located about 50 km from Wenzhou city, is another popular destination among couples.
Young people looking for fun will enjoy the vibrant nightlife scene of Wenzhou, especially in downtown areas like Tangxia pedestrian street and Times Square. There are also several amusement parks and theme parks in and around the city that offer exciting rides and activities.
Families will enjoy exploring the many natural attractions in and around Wenzhou, such as Nanxi River, Feiyun Lake, and Yandang Mountain. These places offer a range of outdoor activities and scenic views that the whole family can enjoy. Additionally, Wenzhou has several museums and cultural sites that offer an educational experience for children and adults alike.

How to get around Wenzhou

In Wenzhou, you can move around using various modes of transportation, including buses, taxis, and subway. The city has an extensive public transportation network that is affordable and efficient. Additionally, you can also rent a bike or a car to explore the city on your own.

What to see around Wenzhou

Sure, here are some top recommended day trip destinations from Wenzhou, China: 1. Yandang Mountain - a scenic mountain range featuring waterfalls, caves, and stunning rock formations.
2. Nanxi River - a picturesque river valley with crystal clear waters surrounded by towering mountains.
3. Baizhangji Waterfall - a spectacular waterfall surrounded by lush greenery and natural beauty.
4. Wuyanling National Forest Park - a vast forest park featuring hiking trails and scenic views.
5. Mount Yuhuang - a peaceful mountain trek with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
6. Jiangxin Island - a relaxing island getaway with tranquil beaches and stunning coastal views.
7. Cangpo Ancient Village - a well-preserved ancient village with traditional architecture and historical landmarks.
8. Rui'an - a charming city located by the coast, known for its seafood cuisine and local culture.
All of these destinations are easily reachable from Wenzhou and make for a memorable day trip.
For every travel information about China you can click here.

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